First IHK Certification in China: Floral Designer

Just before Christmas, the first IHK certification took place in Guangzhou, China:

All subjects relevant to the exam such as bouquet / a bouquet like workpiece, flower arrangement, planting work as well as a complex examination task were intensively learned in 6 weeks (within 8 months) and deepened with practical exercises. During two days, the results of these workpieces were tested and completed with an oral exam.

We are thrilled with the great results and congratulate all students! We would like to thank them for the great dedication and creativity. It was a lot of fun to accompany this group and we are very happy that this international training together with the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce has been successfully implemented this year.

We would like to thank all involved for the great cooperation and we are looking forward to the next certification!

Video: Amy. Photos: Students of the course


今年圣诞前夕在中国广州举行了第一届德国IHK花艺设计师认证课程和考试,所涉及的主题包含花束,插花,植物组合和毕业设计大型桌饰,通过6周(在8个月期间)的高强度系统课程,大量的理论知识和实践练习,最后两天进行了考试和毕业答辩。 考试的结果与作品让我们感动和骄傲,并祝贺所有通过考试的学员们!我们衷心得感谢你们的付出和创意!我们非常荣幸和欣喜,有你们这个团队的陪伴,让IHK国际认证课程如此圆满成功举行。我们要再次衷心感谢所有学员的参与和完美的合作团队,期待下一次的认证课程!

视频:Amy  照片:课程学员们